FAQs About Hurricane Shutters
Did you just move to the Houston, TX area and are looking for ways to protect your home? Have you been living in the area and need to invest in quality shutters? Are you curious about hurricane shutters? Take a look at some of our frequently asked questions below. If you have further questions or concerns, please give us a call.

Hurricane shutters are heavy aluminum shutters that cover the windows and doors of your home, protecting them from flying debris and high wind speeds during a storm. They are typically affixed via a bolt or track.
Some states and insurance companies may require you to have hurricane shutters on your home to add some form of protection. If you live in an area prone to heavy storms and hurricanes, it’s a good idea to make the investment to protect your home.
If you get hurricane shutters for one window or door, you should have them on all windows and doors. Protection occurs best if all openings are covered. If other openings are not covered, it could cause a total loss of your home from the extreme pressure.
We offer hurricane panels and rolling shutters, both of which help protect your home against hurricanes. Both products are durable and easy to install. Hurricane panels may have sharp edges so it is important to be careful when storing them. Rolling shutters are easy to operate and do not need to be taken down as you can simply roll them up or down depending on your needs. Choosing between the two depends on your needs, budget, and desired style.
You should purchase hurricane shutters as soon as you purchase a house. Don’t wait until the first big storm to protect your house as it could be too late.
First, contact our team for a free estimate as we strive to fit the needs and budget of each customer. You can view some of our other products here as well. If you can’t afford hurricane shutters right now, you can board up your windows and doors using plywood to prevent damage.
What are rolling shutters?
Rolling shutters are generally made with high-quality aluminum and are designed to attach to your home or business. They roll down over windows and doors with ease to protect your home or business and provide safety from hurricanes, burglars, and more. They are also great for noise reduction and energy savings.
Can your rolling shutters withstand the wind gusts from hurricanes?
Yes, our rolling shutters are certified to resist hurricane-force winds of up to 150mph.
What are security shutters?
These shutters come in the form of rolling shutters and are designed to provide your home or business with a solid shield with no easy point of forced entry to protect your family, your property, and your valuable possessions.
What are accordion shutters?
Accordion shutters have interlocking aluminum blade systems that are very durable, lightweight, and connected to each other vertically moving horizontally between upper and lower tracks. They are permanently installed, which means no additional storage or installation is required in case of an emergency.
Are your retractable awnings motorized or do they have to be operated manually?
We offer a variety of options when it comes to retractable awnings. They can be operated manually, motorized, or with remote control.
What makes retractable solar screens such a great product?
Retractable solar screens are a great way to protect your home or business from the sun’s UV rays in Houston, TX as they control the sun’s heat and glare. These screens can block up to 90% of the heat before it reaches the window surface. They provide excellent visibility and are available for both indoor and outdoor use.
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